Monthly Disposable
Quarterly replacement soft contact lenses are prescribed to people with sensitive eyes. Designed to be discarded after 1-3 months these contact lenses develop less protein & lipid debris. They are more comfortable & breathable with less chances of infections.
Cheaper Alternative than Dailies
Although selecting a replacement schedule is completely a personal preference; soft contacts that are less frequently replaced than dailies could be a cheaper alternate. They are bound by cleaning & disinfection after each use until they reach the expiry date. Failing to disinfect them thoroughly everyday may cause problems as contact lenses with bacterial accumulation may sprout infections.
Monthly disposable contact lenses are chosen as the seasonal allergens hit the environment. People working in environments with the risk of air-borne diseases or pollutants would like to switch to disposable contact lenses.
More Comfortable than Annual Replacement Contact Lenses
They are thinner than standard soft contact lenses hence more comfortable. Monthly contact lenses are usually made from silicone hydrogel material that holds moisture & retains it longer. These contact lenses further allow 7times more oxygen transmission whilst inhibiting accumulation of bacteria. Often silicone hydrogel contacts with monthly replacement schedule come packed with UV interception that make them the best choice for everyday use.
Monthly disposable contact lenses with aspheric design do not only promise an enhanced and crisp vision with greater image resolution but are also convenient & comfortable. Browse through the collection below after obtaining guidelines from your doctor.